AlKauthar Institute Appeal
The Day 21+ Campaign


as of October:

When international cameras dim, unfortunately international aid does as well.

This is why a number of charities, philanthropists and businesses from across the world have come together to provide essential assistance. Doctors Worldwide is proud to be working with ourselves AlKauthar Institute, as well as Charity Right, Mercy Mission World, NZF Worldwide, My Family Group, Quantum Seven, Deutsche Bank Muslim Network, MyTenNights, Istanbul Foundation for Science and Culture (IIKV), International Foundation for Muslim Theology (IFMT), Islamic Finance Guru, The Light Institute, Celebrate Mercy, Merciful Servant, Arizona Cultural Academy and a number of major businesses to deliver essential long term support. Join us.

Doctors Worldwide is active and has been one of the only medical charities on the grounds at the epicentre since day one. Several DWW Turkish medical teams have been deployed consisting of internists, paediatricians, nurses, pharmacists, orthopaedic specialists, neurosurgeons and general surgeons. Our teams are in Kahramanmaraş, Hatay, Gaziantep, Mersin and Adıyaman. Meanwhile, in Syria, their teams have been taking part in rescue operations and working in shifts to fulfil the demands of earthquake victims with the supplies we already had at our three medical centres.

Donate Boldy

Your donation will allow vital aid to reach the people that are in most need of medical care, medicine and food during and after the 21-day chaos period.

Follow us on Twitter , Instagram , Facebook and TikTok for the latest updates.

One Donation, Multiple Benefits:

Doctors Worldwide is distributing and conducting the following with your donations:

  1. Food
  2. Water
  3. Hygiene Kits
  4. Baby milk & Nappies
  5. Blankets
  6. Medicine
  7. Mobile Clinics
  8. 24hr Hospital Tents [4 already setup]

Donate Boldy

Who are Doctors Worldwide?

Doctors Worldwide (DWW) launched 22 years ago in 2001 by a group of international medics and doctors with the simple aim of helping local communities build and sustain proper healthcare for a healthier and happier future. DWW has provided medical care and relief in 25 countries until today and has delivered over 124 healthcare projects across Asia, Africa and Central America, saving or changing over 3.9 million lives and counting. Our work has also gained us a Peace Prize nomination.

In Action

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