Date: 2025 TBD
8 hours CPD
The Humanitarian Medical Aid Course is an educational experience like no other. Developed by Doctors Worldwide faculty and based on our 20+ years of experience in the development and emergency field, the institutional learning of sending volunteers overseas, and the questions and experiences this has evoked, the course is now in its fourteenth year. Having delivered to hundreds of people to date, and after a break due to COVID-19, the course is now open again to all healthcare professionals who are looking to begin their journey in the complex industry of humanitarian work, and want to make a difference to the world and the lives of others.
The course aims to share knowledge and experiences, encourage debate, promote reflection as well as have a good time networking, while introducing concepts around humanitarian medical emergencies and longer-term health development programmes.
This isn’t some run-of-the-mill didactic study day, or technical pre-deployment skills training. It is a course made rich by our faculty, and your participation.
10 - 10.15
Registration and Coffee
10.15 - 10.30
Welcome and Introduction
10.30 - 11.00
Getting to know you (Dr Bushera Choudry, GP & DWW Chair)
11.00 - 11.55
Medical Response in Humanitarian Emergencies: A personal account and observations in responding to four types of emergencies (flood, earthquake, tsunami and conflict) (Dr Najeeb Rahman, EM Consultant & DWW Trustee)
11.55 - 12.45
Humanitarian Principles and Cultural Considerations: Humanitarian practice and contemporary challenges in delivering aid (Dr Saddaf Alam, GP & DWW Founder)
12.45 - 13.45
Lunch break
13.45 - 14.45
Principles of a Needs Assessment (Dr Andrew Lee, Senior University Tutor & Public Health Consultant)
14.45 - 16.20
Group Exercise: Dealing with uncertainty in Emergency Response (Faculty)
16.20 - 16.35
Coffee break
16.35 - 17.20
Health challenges in developing countries. A volunteer account.
9.50 - 10.00
10.00 - 10.50
Volunteering and Voluntourism - Challenging global stereotypes (Dr Sonya Ahmed, GP)
10.50 - 11.45
Medical Care in Context - Top 5 conditions, how will you manage them, what will you have available? (Dr Shazaad Ahmad, Consultant Virologist & DWW Trustee)
11.45 - 12.00
12.00 - 12.45
An approach to system strengthening in development projects: strategy, stakeholders, and sustainability (Monowara Gani, DWW CEO)
12.45 - 13.30
Teaching in overseas settings (Dr Najeeb Rahman, EM Consultant & DWW Trustee)
13.30 - 14.20
14.20 - 15.45
Group Exercise - Maternal Health (Faculty
15.45 - 16.30
Guest Speaker: Volunteer Account. Assessing and developing a project (Dr Mohammed Rahman, GP & Dr Mizanul Hoque, GP & University Lecturer)
16.30 - 16.45
16.45 - 17.00
About DWW (Dr Bushera Choudry/Monowara Gani)
17.00 - 17.30
Getting Involved and Q&A (Dr Bushera Choudry/Faculty)
Bushera is a GP principal and trainer in Salford. She has a keen interest in teaching and is an experienced undergraduate tutor. She is an examiner for the University of Manchester Medical School. As part of her work with DWW she has worked in Kenya and is the newly appointed Chair from 2020.
Najeeb studied, trained and worked in the UK after obtaining his Primary Medical Degree from the University of Leeds. He also holds Diplomas in Humanitarian Assistance as well as Public Health. He has a special interest in Global Emergency Medicine and Humanitarian Assistance. He currently works as a Consultant in Emergency Medicine, having recently worked in the UAE as well as Rwanda in senior clinical roles, as well as supporting system development and training the next cadre of Emergency Physicians. Najeeb is a former Chair and continues to be a trustee of Doctors Worldwide, and has more than a decade of experience in disaster response as well as health development programmes in more than 10 countries across the globe.
Saddaf is a GP in Oldham. He was the first Chair of Doctors Worldwide and was part of the original group that first formulated the concepts and the formation of the charity. He remains on the Board of Trustees, and is the current Treasurer. A Former Chair of Mediconcern, he also worked with the Federation of Human Rights Lawyers.
Andrew is a Senior University Tutor in Public Health at the University of Sheffield, and a Consultant in Public Health at NHS Nottingham City. He has extensive field experience working for various governmental and non-governmental organisations, both in the Emergency setting such as after the South Asian Tsunami and Typhoon in the Philippines, to the developmental setting such as in Afghanistan and Zimbabwe.
Sonya is a private GP in London. She has a background in public health medicine and a Masters in Public Health from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Sonya is a former board member of DWW and has worked on development projects in Kenya. She has an interest in ethical fashion, and owns her own fashion business.
Shazaad is a Consultant in Infectious Diseases and Virology in Manchester. He has a diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene as well as a Masters in Tropical Medicine and International Health, both from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. His work included tracking Ebola across East Africa with the WHO. Shazaad’s first mission for Doctors Worldwide was to Pakistan during the 2010 floods and he has assessed one of our development projects in Malawi.
Monowara is the Chief Executive Officer of Doctors Worldwide. Prior to joining she has held numerous senior executive roles in leading not-for-profit organisations within the humanitarian sector, including development education and campaigning. She has also produced numerous award-winning resources and training courses on development and change, and has been working in the NGO sector for more than fifteen years. Monowara is also a trustee of BOND.
Mohammed was involved in the conception and design of the Post Graduate Fellowship in Migrant and Refugee health and was one of the first from Doctors Worldwide to travel to Cox’s Bazar following the Rohingya refugee crisis in 2017. He has an interest in Medical Education and is currently involved in developing assessments for GP recruitment with Health Education England, as well as the PLAB for the GMC. He works as a sessional GP in the East of England.
Mizan is a GP, a Clinical Advisor to the Primary Care Transformation Team at NHS England and a Lecturer in Healthcare Improvement. His passions and expertise revolve around primary care, public health, patient safety, improving health systems and education. He has designed and delivered numerous health improvement initiatives in partnership with local and regional NHS teams. He has also supported several health improvement interventions in low-resource settings, including the Doctors Worldwide Postgraduate Fellowship in Migrant & Refugee Health.
Nadia Ahmed is a consultant HIV and sexual health physician at the Mortimer Market Centre, London, and honorary clinical lecturer at University College London. She previously practised as a forensic physician at the sexual assault referral centre, The Havens. She has extensive experience in global health with various NGOs and charities, completing clinical, service and educational work in HIV and sexual reproductive health in South Africa, Malawi, Bangladesh, Iran and Turkey. She has been a volunteer with DWW since 2017 with on-site projects in Malawi and Bangladesh, and virtually with Pakistan and Nepal, as well as reviewing the COVID check-lists and leading on the Communicable Diseases module review for the postgraduate fellowship in refugee health.
100% of participants found the course fulfilled their learning needs, with 95% rating the course as excellent (2018 Cohort)
“The course was fantastic! There was a lot of insight given into areas surrounding health and a lot of amazing stories and experiences shared. The team was amazing and respectful.”
“Had an amazing, insightful and inspiring two days! A great course, well set out and engaging. Really positive! Well led and organised.”
“The course was excellent! Well organised. I learnt so much. The group exercises were a really good way of learning about humanitarian response on day one and health development on day two. Thought-provoking two days.”
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