Case Study / Malawi / Maternal & Child Health / Project Update

Malawi Maternity Project: A New Clinic in Balaka

08/12/2022 11:28am

Can you imagine having to walk 13km and cross a crocodile infested river just to reach your nearest healthcare facility?

In Balaka, Malawi, this is a reality. With one maternity clinic 42km away, and a primary care centre only accessible across a crocodile infested river after a 13km trek, a clear need was identified by the local DHO, our project team and partners to facilitate the development of a new healthcare facility and maternity wing closer to those in the area. Following engagement meetings with the local community, clear support was found for the building of this new clinic, with local landowners offering their land free of charge for the clinic to be built, and community members even volunteering their own time and energy to begin moving building materials such as sand to the identified site before their rainy season began.

With plans for the clinic to be developed into a Centre of Excellence, the clinic will be used as a training model so that other facilities/clinics can benefit and implement changes and quality of care within their facilities. Our team is therefore ensuring that high quality materials are being used and the ability to facilitate the delivery of the best possible care is considered during the room construction phase. 

Malawi Maternity Clinic Balaka Project Update Doctors Worldwide

Currently, we are at a critical stage in the process of developing a new healthcare clinic with a maternity wing in Balaka, Malawi. Appropriate land for the building was  identified, and has now been officially marked and recognised, with beacons set up along the perimeter. In addition, the draft set of architectural plans are now in review and awaiting approval before the construction work goes ahead. 

With backing from the Ministry of Health and District Health Office who will provide funds for staffing and medication immediately after the clinic is built, the project is a clear example of the importance and impact of community based collaborative action. Moreover, the serious inaccessibility of any maternity or primary care services at this moment in time in Balaka, highlights how critical your donations will be for this project and the communities we serve. 

Without you, patients would still be risking their lives by crossing dangerous waters or walking for hours to receive the care they need for years to come.

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