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Project Updates from Across the Globe

05/30/2024 10:19am

Right now we are actively working on projects based in Palestine, Pakistan, Malawi, Syria and Rwanda, supporting health system strengthening, emergency response and care, improved access to quality healthcare, medical staff training, maternal care, and much more.

Gaza Project: Emergency Response 

Currently, Doctors Worldwide has a team of 20 local Palestinian staff members working on the ground to procure and distribute locally sourced supplies alongside delivering critical medical support at one of the last functioning hospitals in South Gaza, Kuwaiti Hospital as well as outreach clinics where the displaced have congregated. Some of our medical and food supplies have also crossed the Rafah border.

Project Updates from Across the Globe - Pakistan

Pakistan Project: Community Day

Recently, we held a Community Day event in Mansehra. The event brought together a diverse group of attendees, including 200 widows and orphans facing various challenges, both economic and social, due to their vulnerable status within the community. The event provided practical assistance in the form of free medical treatment cards covering essential healthcare treatments, ensuring access to support for those who may otherwise have struggled to afford it.

Additionally, the event created a supportive and inclusive environment where attendees could interact with one another, share experiences, and feel a sense of belonging. To ensure a holistic approach to the community event, lunch was also provided as well as engaging activities for the children to get involved in. 

Project Updates from Across the Globe - Malawi

Malawi: Maternal Care Project

The distance required to reach healthcare clinics has been identified as one of the biggest barriers in accessing maternal health services (DHS). In short: without a safe and easy route to reach maternal support, thousands of mothers die every year from an entirely preventable cause. At Doctors Worldwide, we are investing in ambu-bikes as a way to combat this issue.

Ambu Bikes (short for ‘Ambulance Bicycles’) are bicycles attached to a portable patient bed that can be used to transport women to their appointments, as well as quickly get them to an environment with trained midwives during their labour. Innovative, cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and designed to address the critical challenge of healthcare access in remote and underserved areas, these specially designed bicycles will be locally made, equipped with unique attachments and features that make them invaluable assets in medical support and routine healthcare transportation, and will be run by a team of volunteer community members to build an ambulance-like transport network throughout the rural areas of Mangochi, Malawi. 

Project Updates from Across the Globe - Syria

Syria Project: Clinic Support

Since the devastating earthquakes on Monday 6th February 2023, Doctors Worldwide’s team in Türkiye and Syria have been providing emergency relief and medical aid since day one. Right now in Syria, we continue to provide medical aid at our healthcare clinic in Jinderes (North Syria) in addition to providing a psychologist and case worker to offer much needed support for children and adults, as well as working to provide a safe space for indoor and outdoor play areas and a tent dedicated to offering psychosocial support for children.

project updates from across the globe

Rwanda: Palliative Care Project

Our Palliative Care Programme focuses on taking a holistic approach to end-of-life care, and not only covers medical care, but also transport to and from hospital appointments, psychosocial support, food support as well as education support (school fees and materials e.g. uniforms and textbooks) for children of patients. In addition, our team of staff undertake regular home visits to ensure those patients who are unable to travel to receive health-care are well looked after. Over the first few months of 2024: 

  • Palliative Care Program: 96 (65 females and 31 males) patients have been supported.

In addition:

  • Nutrition Programme: 32 patients have been reached, with 5 already discharged as a result of the support they received
  • Medical Debt Relief Programme: 32 patients supported (14 women, 18 men and 10 children).

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