Doctors Worldwide have been active in Bangladesh since November 2017 responding to the Rohingya Crisis, in partnership with the UN-IOM. Since then, we have delivered core capacity building and mentoring programmes in Primary Care and Emergency Care for Bangladeshi healthcare workers working in the Rohingya camps and surrounding host communities.
One year into the COVID-19 pandemic, the need to support frontline healthcare workers is more important than ever. Especially in Bangladesh, when the field of emergency care is still under-developed, healthcare workers in refugee camps are in need of specialised training and mentorship in order to ensure the quality of healthcare provided is up to a high standard.
In response, and after months of planning, between March – December 2021, Doctors Worldwide will be delivering three key events/programmes in Cox’s Bazar, in order to facilitate new training opportunities for medical workers and support their professional development.
Leadership and Governance Conference – 9th and 10th March
This 2-day conference will focus on 60 healthcare workers from the clinical leadership workforce within the Rohingya refugee camps, with an aim to support their professional development in management roles as doctors, clinical managers, and clinical administrators, in order to develop their leadership and management skills to better deliver quality and comprehensive care.
PGF: Postgraduate Fellowship in Migrant & Refugee Health Programme
This project will be centred around the delivery of 8 independent modules in primary care and humanitarian medicine. A 16-week medical capacity building and training programme, it is specifically designed to support local doctors working in humanitarian settings to improve their clinical practice of identified clinical topics. This is achieved through didactic learning, skills sessions, and weekly clinical mentorship. See the impact of our past PGF programme here.
DICE: Doctors Worldwide Improving Care in Health Emergencies Programme
The DICE programme aims to improve the current health systems in the Rohingya camp and host community by providing hands-on clinical supervision training and facility improvement support for Bangladeshi health workers who are regularly managing acute or life-threatening conditions within 24/7 primary care facilities. The programme is 16-weeks and involves on-site clinical supervision and hands-on learning. See our project page here for further details.
In the next 4 months, all participants will achieve certificates, be assessed of their skills, and receive rigorous mentorship and guidance from our medical experts to be empowered to improve patient care in the camps. Facilities will be supported and strengthened to streamline and improve their services.
Speaking about the new programmes, our Project Manager, Georgia Venner said:
"It’s great to be back in Bangladesh to support our field teams. 2021 is an exciting year for DWW to be launching 2 comprehensive training programmes we have extensive experience in with the support of excellent medical expertise recruited. We look forward to launching our new course to support healthcare workers in leadership roles to empower their staff and improve patient care.”
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