Emergency Response / Project Update / Syria / Palestine

World Refugee Day: Gaza & Syria

06/20/2024 10:00am

This year, World Refugee Day focuses on solidarity with refugees – for a world where refugees are welcomed. At Doctors Worldwide, our work focuses on ensuring access to quality healthcare is not a privilege, but a human right, supporting those most in need to receive the medical care and resources required to live healthy and happy lives. Right now, this includes working in Gaza (where around 1.7 million people – nearly 80 percent of the population – are estimated to be internally displaced, many of them multiple times (UNFPA), as well as in Northern Syria in the Jindires IDP (Internally Displaced Persons) camps.

World Refugee Day Palestine and Syria

In Gaza:

Our team of 20 Palestinian staff have been based in Gaza for 10+ years via the work of Doctors Worldwide Turkey, and since the increased bombardment on civilians beginning in October, have worked tirelessly to support the communities around them, often at risk to themselves. This has included: working in the hospitals, running our own medical camps and clinics, and attending home visits for those who cannot leave their house due to age or disability. Our staff have also been procuring food and medicines, as well as cooking and distributing food.

Right now:

  • Mobile clinic services are being provided at local schools and areas where IDPs (internally displaced persons) have gathered.
  • 7 aid trucks have been sent through the Rafah border carrying food packs and medical supplies, benefiting ~57,000 people.
  • Ongoing salary support to all 160 healthcare workers at Kuwaiti Hospital in order to keep services running.

World Refugee Day Palestine and Syria

In Syria:

Since the devastating earthquakes in Feb 2023, we have been actively supporting the day-to-day running of the Jindires Medical Clinic in North West Syria, due to its rapidly increasing patient needs as a result of surrounding destruction and the high refugee population. Through our work we continue to offer care and support for approximately 7,000 patients per month.

Right now: 

  • We are the only clinic in the Jindires IDP (Internally Displaced Persons) camps, which has now increased due to population displacement of earthquake victims. At least 700 additional tents were added and are at capacity with Syrians affected by the earthquake.
  • We are providing a psychologist and case worker, dedicated child psychologist and specific PSS (psychosocial support) tent to offer regular activities for the children in the surrounding communities.
  • We are working towards providing a safe space for indoor and outdoor play areas for children in Jindires camp who currently have nowhere to play or go.
  • We have increased the capacity of the Outpatient Department by adding an additional nurse, case worker and a Psychosocial Support Tent Assistant.
  • We are supplementing the salaries of further staff (including a dentist, pharmacist, second nurse, second social worker and security staff) in order to retain support in what is a remote and often difficult area to provide care.

This World Refugee Day, we highlight the importance of solidarity through support in a variety of ways. Not only will your financial contributions be invaluable through ensuring those under fire, displaced, and without access to adequate healthcare, can receive the support they need, but ensuring a well-informed perspective on the context through which individuals reach and remain under this refugee status is also incredibly important.

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