This Ramadan: Save a Life. Change a Life.
£100 = quality healthcare for 100 people.
We have a 100% donation policy
Is this Zakat?
When providing healthcare for the most vulnerable people in the poorest parts of the world, there are often a variety of healthcare needs that require a funding source without any restrictions or delays, such as a need for emergency medical care and medication, food or birthing packs for mothers, and urgent transport for patients. Your support & donation to our Most In Need Fund ensures that no patient is turned away, and continues to add value and impact to all of our healthcare projects including work in emergency settings.
It only takes 60 seconds to distribute your donation over the last ten nights of Ramadan with our automated system, and take full advantage of Laylat Ul-Qadr, when the reward for any righteous act is equivalent to having performed the same act for 83 years.
Donate over the last ten nights >© 2025 Doctors Worldwide Ltd. Charity Number: 1122671. Limited Company Number: 6389121
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